The Role of Probus in Your Retirement

For more than 40 years our Beecroft Probus Club has been the foundation of a socially active and enjoyable retirement for Beecroftians and our neighbours. Our club encourages all people looking for an enjoyable retirement to join as members. 

Each month members meet to hear from a wide range of interesting presenters. That social interaction is enhanced by regular outings and functions ranging from theatre parties to a day at the races. Local issues discussed and problems solved. We are all about keeping our members interested and interesting,
up-to-date and connected.

We hope this website will give you a taste for what Beecroft Probus Club can offer you. We invite you to contact us for more information and most importantly allow us to invite you to our next monthly meeting.

Membership Experience

Probus was originally formed by UK Rotary in 1965. It is focussed on acquaintance, fellowship, contact and expanding knowledge, free from the constraints of politics, religion, fundraising and competition, in the company of like-minded retirees.

Beecroft Probus is a lively club drawn mainly from our local Beecroft and surrounding communities, who enthusiastically support the Probus aims of friendship, fellowship and fun through a range of well organised activities:

All members are encouraged to join in running the club via joining the committee or simply becoming involved with assisting committee members in roles from running outings to advising on speakers.

We meet at the Cheltenham Recreation Club, 60 the Crescent Cheltenham at 10:00am on the fourth Monday of each month.